Chapter 1


“Get on the bus meat sack”

People are tired of being lied to and deceived about dieting.  Most diet plans simply don’t work because they aren’t based in reality in terms of how we live and function as people in the society we live.  They want us to starve ourselves or spend all hours of the day searching for and eating foods that aren’t satisfying or practical from a preparation or access standpoint.  The diet plans work for a short time until the everyday realities of our lives take over.  We lose/gain, lose/gain and lose/gain until the next genius comes along with the next miracle weight loss plan we think makes even more sense.

           It’s so typical of human nature to look for the path of least resistance when it comes to weight loss.  We’ve been chasing innovations in everything we do since the dawn of time and it’s no wonder we’re now looking for the 

miracle solution for weight loss.  “Let’s make a machine that does the work for us?  Yeah, perfect!”   The problem with this innovation is that there’s simply no machine that will make exercise easy.  Sure, there are plenty of commercials out there touting exercise machines that are easy and fun to use…all those smiling actors having a good time losing weight while their machines do the work for them.  “Yeah, right!”  Just more of the weight loss industry lies we have to endure.  To put it simply, if you’re not sweating, breathing hard or your muscles aren’t tired, you’re not exercising…period …end of discussion.  To be perfectly honest, we should be trying to get machines that are generally harder to use.  Logically they’ll do you more good because you’ll be working harder using them. 

          In the case of food, who wants to live on alfalfa sprouts, tofu and granola (other than the entire state California of course)? Mankind has had access to fruits and vegetables since the dawn of time.  We don’t prefer them because they are generally boring, tasteless, don’t last or are no fun to eat.  Sure you can pour a good Hollandaise sauce, salad dressing or what have you on them to add a little taste and variety, but, in the final analysis, human nature wants more.  We want to eat what we want to eat when we want to eat it. Right?

          As I see it, what we need is a diet plan that says, go ahead and eat what you want. The “hook” with that is that our bodies require us to have a corresponding amount of exercise to do so.  The reason this makes sense is that our bodies are meant for exercise.  Just lie in a bed for a month and watch what happens to you.  It’s very simple, if you don’t exercise you turn into a soft pile of mush.  Add food and you get a big soft pile of mush.  Conversely, you can eat a boatload of food and still be fit.  Look at most professional football players.   As I see it, if you want to eat what you want when you want to, then you have to have an exercise plan that matches that eating habit.  It’s simple, if you’re overweight, then you’re not exercising enough or you’re eating too much…or both.  Got it? 

          OK, its’ time to report for boot camp…

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